Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stupid things I did today.

In chronological order.

1st - Accidental Ignoring

Saw Michelle at the MRT station. She was like 5 persons behind me. I wanted to wave at her but she didn't seem to be looking. So, I merely looked in her direction until she saw me (or at least that was the plan).

She finally looked at me but I had to walk down the stairs so I had to watch my steps already so i couldn't wave.

Her POV: classmate saw me but never say hi never wave.

Then, I thought of waiting for her at the gantry but alot of people were coming out and I was afraid that I would miss her if she went out the gantry on the far end. So i walked to the bridge and thought I'd wait for her there but it was so crowded that there was no standing space cuz many people were waiting for their friends already.

Next step: Wait at first floor.

As i reached the first floor from the escalator, i saw her coming down too. Then, i thought "Would it be weird if a classmate you didn't know was suddenly standing at one spot and waiting to say Hi to you on the way to school?" My mind said yes. So throughout, i walked to school while still looking back at times while thinking to myself "What a fucking idiot you are."

Thought to myself that I would talk to her tonight and say that I didn't 'dao' her on purpose. I decided on that.

Now, I still haven't and probably wont speak to her with my reasoning of "Would it be weird if a classmate who didn't know you well and 'dao'-ed you said sorry? What kind of message is he sending?" And with that, the situation is as it was.

2nd - Accidental Waving

Slacking at the cafe when Nicholas says and waves bye to what I thought i heard was Si Yuan. So, i waved back. And i saw a face that wasn't Si Yuan's and the best part is Nicholas saw. Fucking embarassing.

3rd - Losing at Speed.

Let me tell you why losing was important this time. Not because of my ego. But because there was a fucking penalty of putting a piece of paper in your mouth for 5 seconds. And that very piece of paper, had been put into the mouths of a few other guys already. I had to survive 5 rounds. I survived two (mind you, with this, two other guys had put the paper into their mouths as well). I lost the next three. And it was all me.

The first time, i gagged to the point of tearing. Second time around, i had to hold for 10 secs but somehow i was completely okay. The last time, the penalty had increased. Chew twice in the mouth. And unlike the two instances before, it was possible to have my tongue avoid the paper. But this time, there was no escape. I had to touch it. Luckily, my tongue touched a dry part so i didn't gag or vomit or cry or anything. But still, it was pretty crazy.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Been months since I've updated. It's the end of the year. Or rather the start of a new year? Feel like crap now. Lots of work to do, none done.

Lots of regrets for this year. Let some people down. Not that saying it now is gonna be any use anyways.

Next year, i think it's gonna get alot worse.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I went with Austen to Marina Bay to get clothes today. Actually,we wanted to go to Peninsula Plaza but it was raining so we couldn't cross the road. So,we went to Marina Bay instead via City Link. I got 2 shorts from John Little and 1 shorts and 1 shirt from a shop on the second floor. Haha i didn't expect to get anything in Marina Square but i ended up meeting my quota. So in the end,i didn't even need to go to Peninsula Plaza anymore. What a coincidence.

Austen said he wanted to have dinner at some japanese pasta place that he saw along City Link and i suggested that we eat at Orchard instead since there's a branch there too.

We went from City Hall to Orchard cuz we wanted to watch Coming Soon at Cathay Orchard. Even after walking very long,we couldn't find the place. Then,i realised that the Cineplex was at Somerset MRT. =.= So we walked all the way from Orchard to Somerset in order to reach Cathay. My feet were literally dying.

After getting the tickets,we went to eat at the japanese pasta restaurant. Of all the people i could meet,i met a classmate i had in primary school. She was a waitress there. At first i wasn't sure if it was her so i pretended to look at the menu while i was actually peeping over it to have a better look at her. Then,i saw that she was stealing glances at me too. The two-way glancing went on for quite awhile until she served our food.

She asked if i was from Concord Primary and if i was from class 6B. By that time,i knew i wasn't mistaken. For a moment,i couldn't believe that i actually met a primary school classmate after being out of touch with them for like four years. What's more surprising to me was that she actually remembered my name. And somehow,i remembered hers too. OUr conversation only consisted of a "hi". That was it.

After our meal,i asked her for the bill and when she brought it to my table,i knew she was like looking and smiling at me. Then i kept avoiding her gaze and kept my head down all the time. I felt like a loser to moment i stepped out of the restaurant. It's not like i have a crush on her or anything but it's like i was very shy in primary school and at the restaurant,my actions seemed to be telling her that i never grew up in these four years. I just didn't want her of all people to see that. At the very least,i should have asked her about school and how's she doing now. But all i said was hi.

Well,the fact that she's working at this time shows that she's most probably going to poly. And if she happens to come to the same poly as me,i would surely go talk to her again. But i wonder if i'd have the second chance. No use crying over spilt milk,i guess...

Quite a long post for today already so i guess i'll post about the movie tomorrow.Bye.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I went to some warehouse sale today with my family today. Of all the people i could meet,i met Li Wen there. What were the odds? Hahas... I met her when i was doing that door-2-door ice-cream salesperson stint also. Lol.

In the end,i didn't get anything for myself cuz all the shoes i had my eyes on were all out of stock for my sizes. Man,I really wanted a particular pair of shoes... And my parents had to go call it "obiang"... What can i say...?

After that,i went to Cathay Grand to get tickets for movies cuz my mother had four free passes. But then,everyone wanted to watch different movies. I got a ticket for Race To Witch Mountain.My mother got a ticket for Coming Soon while my father and bro got tickets for Dragonball. Wtf lor. Dragonball... It looks so lame from the trailer. Like a typical scam where people go watch it just cuz a famous star (in this case,Chow Yun Fatt) was appearing in it.

It was still early so we went to the IT fair at Suntec City. My brother and I really wanted to get Guitar Hero World Tour but it was out of stock. Shucks man... My parents ended up buying nothing too. What a wasted trip.

Reached the Grand Cathay just in time to get my popcorn and rush into the cinema.

In the end,the movie was okay. At the very least,it was better than Pink Panther 2 and the Wedding Game.. =.=

Went back at around 11+ back home and that's about it for my day. =)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Today,i went for the poly enrolment with a friend and caught a movie after that. We watched Push and the movie was okay but i didn't really like the abrupt ending.

Finished watching Suzuka today also and the ending was real disappointing.

I didn't like how the whole world revolved around the girl's indecisiveness and the inability to move on,yet all the time sending the wrong signals. Then suddenly,she just decides to accept the guy. There. End of story.

What the hell is up today with weird and crappy endings. Gotta sleep cuz it's already late. Bye.

"Maybe i'm just looking for a fairy-tale ending."

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Went to my cousin's 21st birthday on Sunday at the same chalet i went to for CNY. the whole event was fun. There was catering and a huge cake to top it off. Lots of his friends arrived too,be it from primary,secondary or poly. My cousin forgot to bring the bday present that i shared with her for him. Haha. Gave a belated bday present to another cousin.

Tried my hand at mahjong but i lost.. T_T Oh well.. I'll do better next time,i guess....

Funny how i always seem to report things one day late.Gotta go.Bye.

"There's someone in the eyes of the person i'm looking at,but it's not me."

Friday, March 6, 2009

Today,everything seemed to go all wrong.

First,i was supposed to meet Zhen Yang,John,Reuben and Austen at Lot 1 at 11am. I woke up at 11.15. -.- I was late for like 45 minutes in the end but austen buffered me cuz he arrived at 12.15. LOL.

The bowling session was shit. Didn't score above 100 in all three games. Gave up and wanted to go to Laser Quest only to find that it was booked till 4pm.

I ended up doing real badly for today's ice-cream sales. I went to 4 blocks today.
1st block-$10
2nd block-$15
3rd block-$18
4th block-$0

Total sales for the day was $58 bucks. Commission was $16. Split it half with Zhen Yang so i got 8 bucks for 4 hours of work. I actually ended up getting minimum wage. Fuck.

It started to pour like crazy when i went back. Heaven was mocking me. Okay that was a little over-dramatic. Haha.

By the way,i replaced the original poem on this blog with one i written on my own. I figured it was the only way to make my blog personal. xD

Gonna sleep soon cuz i'm really tired. Bye. =)