Thursday, April 24, 2008


Today i'm feeling alot more cheerful.I guess i've already put yesterday's unhappiness behind me.Maybe i am a pushover or maybe i'm too forgiving(which people occasionally do tell me) but what's done is done.I can't change it and it will never change so might as well forgive and move on.Besides,with exams closing in,i guess i don't really have any more time to indulge in my stormy emotions...

Today,lessons went on fine.During E Geog lessons,the class watched this nature documentary and there was this really cute polar bear sliding off the mountain ^^ (It didn't die or anything F.Y.I. just so that you know i'm not a sadist.)One bad thing that happened today.My EL Teacher,Ms Nithiya,told the class that the boys will be tested by Ms Tay for EL Oral.Imagine the horror.You've never known true horror till you know what Ms Tay's like.Everyone can just get ready some tissue paper and cry while they flunk their orals.

After maths remedial,i rushed to the library for my POA remedial but since the library was closed,i guess it aleady ended....o.O Something funny that happened today.Me and Edwin was walking up the stairs to the staff room one last attempt to look for the POA group but to no avail.But guess who was waiting at the top of the "mountain"?Ms Tay.X_X She was taking a tube of toothpaste and a toothbursh and pointed it at Edwin and asked "What do you think of Lee?"Edwin fumbled and mumbled something like "She's heavily influenced by Western cultures."Then,she said "Wow!Good Answer!" and walked to the toilet...The whole scene was just so funny.Lols!Somehow,I ended up playing chapteh with Qing Ba and some 4H students.Quite a fun activity.

Now i feel so sian.Another day just went by with nothing nice happening.If existing meant trying to make one's life meaningful,i would be failing that criteria.Gotta go now.Gotta play BB with my Maple partners.

"I am rooted to my rootless identity."

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