Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I had my O Level CL Listening Compre today....Not very difficult,but certainly not simple as well...In class,i dont know what the heck was i doing.Floating through all the lessons until the afternoon where the CL LC took place.I even slept outright during POA lesson.LOL Mr Chua wasn't angry about it,or so it seemed...Chee Seng was sleeping beside me also.LOL.I heard someone shouting the word "honeymoon" when Mr Chua came to wake us both. =.= Honeymoon?It makes no sense at all.

Okay since i've got nothing more to talk about,and being the naggy blogger that i am,here's something funny that happened over the weekend.

I bought some a triple-scoop ice-cream cup(Melon,Fruits of the Forest and Banana Nut Crunch) from Anderson's at Jurong Point.As i was eating,i said "I think I like Fruits of the Forest the most because it has real-".I was gonna say "-real fruits in it" but guess what my mother said when she cut me off?She said "They've got real forest in there,ah?" LOL.I dunno if you find this funny anot but i find it extremely hilarious.Hahs~

Well than,i'm done for this entry.And i've got to give a speech on Marriage tomorrow.I'll never be able to raise my head in school again.Farewell.

"There are many things that money can't buy but then again,there are many things that you can't buy without money." -Adapted and translated from a Chinese saying.

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